Online talks and outreach activities

Using plant collections to understand climate change

Plantas parasitas: conectando espécies e integrando estudos
Anato Encontros - Universidade de São Paulo, 2023.

Parasitic plant collections as treasure troves of information
Live Science Colloquium - Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 2022.

Past and present of urban biodiversity

Enemies with benefits: positive effects of mistletoes.
Video for the project “Mistletoe and Host Ecology in the Urban Environment: Potential Positive Effects”, funded by EU ID: 101034352 and cofunded by VUB IOF.

Biodiversidade Urbana: Lições não-formais
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Universidade de Brasília, 2020.

Educational leaflets about urban biodiversity (in Portuguese)
Instituto Butantan, 2014 – 2017.

Frederico Carlos Hoehne – Raízes da Botânica em São Paulo
Museum exhibition. Instituto Butantan and Sao Paulo Botanical Gardens, 2018.

Invitation to the exhibition opening and one of the illustrations shown in the exhibition

Wood structure and function

Wood and wood products (slide deck), 2021.
Guest lecture in the course “Plants and Human Affairs” (OEB59) - Harvard University

Basic wood anatomy to understand aspects of wood functionality (booklet in Portuguese)
Thank you to the more than 3,000 readers on ResearchGate!

Techniques in Wood Anatomy (booklet in Portuguese), 2012.
Workshop at International Association of Wood Anatomists, Pan-American Meeting.

New perspectives in parasitic plant development

Engaging people in Plant Sciences

Plant cells and vaccine fabrication (booklet and video in Portuguese)
Complementary study material for the International Biology Olympiads, 2022.

Scientist Mentor: Planting Science Program, 2019 – 2020.

Senior citizens plant monitoring program
Instituto Butantan, 2016 - 2017.

Part of the group during one of the monitoring campaigns. Senior citizens program. Instituto Butantan, 2017.